October 8 – Your Worth

During a dark season, eight years ago, I wrote this depicting some scenes in my earlier life before Christ. These words written proved to be prophetic in my life. If you are going through a bad time, take a pen and paper and ask the Lord to pour out His thoughts to you, you will be amazed at what He will tell you! Here I am sharing with you what He shared with me after a time in prayer, these thoughts flew in!

My wonderful child!
You are a dear precious child of mine.
I have seen you walk through many deep valleys
That carries the shadows of death
Do you know my comfort was right there?
I saw your tears and I put them all in a bottle
Not one drop is wasted…
Do you know that I love you?
And held you
When you went through
The darkest alley
I was there right beside you
But you never knew…..
Though you forgot to call Me
I sent help and held you and cut away the bands
I carried you
Out of the darkness into the light
You felt warm and calm because I covered you
With my blanket of Love
Later when things got better
You crept away
You walked through jungle pathways
Hardly afraid
Because you were unaware
Of the dangers you were in
I tried to warn you, but you could not hear Me
Then one night you nearly drowned
In a pool of black water
You forgot to call on Me, but I wanted to save you
So I lifted you up and brought you to a broad place
I kept you safe
My precious child
I want to take after your rough edges
And polish and sparkle you up as a precious stone
I will train you, teach you, guide you, and bless you
All you need to do is keep your eyes fixed upon Me
All you need to do is call on Me
and I will show you great and mighty things
That you do not know.

Our God is sooo patient with us! How stubborn we can be, how many times we can reject Him and walk our own way. The Creator of the Universe knows us personally. He loves us. It is His desire that not one person is lost to an unknown eternity. The old destroyer and his kin have worked hard to bring evil into the world with a goal to herd millions to everlasting darkness without the Creator. God wants to rescue people out of irresilient impossibilities and sin entanglements and bring them to His Kingdom, so He patiently works with us and on us, over and over again, forgiving us a million times in our lives.

I saw this in my life where He forgave me, did wonderful things and taught me new truths and filled me with His Presence. He did not cast me out or punish me, as one would expect. The only thing we need to do is call on Him!


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